Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Claire had a double entry journal from the TED Talk we watch about the blind man and how technology helped him "see".  He talked about when he was little and how his mother would read him stories and he spoke so highly of his vision impairment.  He stated "I was born in the right place and right time." He was born with what some people would believe to be one of the worst things that could happen to someone but, this is all he knows and doesn't look for pity or sympathy from anyone. Instead he uses it as a tool for happiness.  Claire talked about how his statement has great impact on your privileges and things we cannot control.  I agree with her because after all it is up to us to determine our futures.  We cannot help the fact that we were born blind, or deaf, or have a disability but, we can control our attitude about it and what we make of it.  Claire also wrote down that this can cause barriers which makes it challenging for us to overcome but, again what we make of ourselves from said barriers is what we can control.  The blind man in the TED Talk had such a positive outlook (attitude) on such a life changing disability (barrier).  He couldn't help the fact that he was blind but, chose to not let it ruin his life.  He almost looks at it like a gift and I think that's why he says "I was born at the right place at the right time".

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