Thursday, February 20, 2014

TED Talk

My topic for my TED Talk is something all od us are affected by and that's gossip.  Us as girls particularly know how tempting it is and we can all say we have done it.  It is a part of life but, why do we do it? We all know the consequences and hurt that it can bring to us if we find out our "friends" were talking behind our back.  Nothing good comes out of gossip and my goal for my TED Talk is to inform and persuade.  I want to talk about the process of gossiping and the cycle that happens when a rumor gets started.  I will also have a visual aid for this.  I want to persuade people as well to make a change and put a stop to this domino effect because once something is said you can't take it back.  People may forget what you said but, they will never forget how you made them feel and taking a second to think before you speak or assume can benefit everyone.  Your attitude and the type of person you are shown directly through your actions and words.  Gossip may relate to someone's characteristics they possess such as jealousy, hate, envy ect.  So I want to explain also why people gossip and the motives they have.  We are all guilty of this action and my goal is not to target anyone or anything but, to merely make people stop and think for a minute before they say something.

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